Born in 1958, lives and works in Vienna, Austria

Selected Exhibitions

2019 ‹Erde und Licht› Kunstmuseum Waldviertel, Schrems
2018 ‹Mindscapes› kunst.wirt.schaft, Graz | ‹With other Eyes› RCC, Ruthin, Wales, UK | ‹Konkret und Minimal› artmark galerie, Wien
2017 ‹Pensieri Preziosi 13 – Gioielli da Pensare› San Rocco, Padua | Exhibition ‹Friedrich Becker Preis› Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf | ‹Gwneud / Make› RCC The Centre for the Applied Arts, Ruthin, Wales, UK
2016 ‹Horizons› Galerie V&V, Vienna
2015 ‹KORU5› International Contemporary Jewellery Triennal, Imatra, Vaasa, Kuopio Finland | ‹Premio Internazionale Mario Pinton› Padua – 1st prize | ‹Schmuck 1970-2015, Sammlung Bollmann› MAK, Vienna
2014 ‹Multiple Exposures: Jewelry and Photography› Museum of Arts and Design, New York
2012 ‹Shifted Relations› Galerie V&V, Vienna
2011 ‹Fremde Federn› kunst.wirt.schaft, Graz | ‹five of a kind› Maurer Zilioli Contemporary Arts – Guest of Galerie Jordanow, Munich
2010 ‹five of a kind› Galerie Lendl, Graz
2006 ‹Challenging the Châtelaine!› Designmuseo, Helsinki
2004 ‹L’OR, Bijoux d’Europe› Château-Musée Grimaldi, Cagne-sur-Mer, France
2003 ‹Re-view, Aspects of Austrian Jewellery Art (1945–2003)›, Tokyo
2001 Electrum Gallery, London | ‹Gioielleria Contemporanea in Europa› Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua 
2000 JJDA – Japan Jewellery Designers Association, Tokyo | Galerie Slavik, Vienna
1999 ‹Turning-Point, Schmuck aus Österreich zur Jahrtausendwende› St. Pölten, Klagenfurt, Vienna; Millennium Galleries, Sheffield | Galerie Aurum, Frankfurt
1998 SOFA Chicago – with Galerie Tiller
1996 ‹Transition› Galerie V&V, Vienna

The artist monograph ‹Margit Hart. Mindscapes. Jewelry and Photography› was published by arnoldsche Art Publishers, Stuttgart, in October 2019.


a.o. Museo di Arti Applicate e Decorative, Padua | Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim | Grassi Museum Leipzig | Lotte Reimers-Stiftung, Deidesheim | Paul u. Katrin Basiner-Stiftung, Munich | MAK – Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna | Ministry for Cultural Affairs, Vienna | Sammlung Bollmann, Vienna 

1994 started working as a freelance artist
1997-2017 Professor for Metalsmithing at Schulzentrum Herbststraße in Vienna (since 2009 also at Abendkolleg SchmuckDesign)


2018-19 University Course for book design, New Design University, St. Pölten
2009 Study visit at LYIT Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland (Graphic- and Industrial-Design)
2007-10 Bachelor of Education, PH-Wien
1991-93 Master of Fine Arts, State University of New York at New Paltz, Metal Program with J. Fred Woell und Jamie Bennett    
1986 Graduation from University of Vienna, Master of Philosophie (History and Art History) 
1977-81 Goldsmith apprenticeship
1977 Graduation from high school